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Re: [Wanted] Dual ROSS RT626@200 MHz

BERTRAND Joël a écrit :
chase rayfield a écrit :
I have a 150Mhz module laying around somewhere... I needs to be repasted
but I think it works other than that. I have dual SM-81s in my SS20 now
so..... there isn't alot of point in a single 150Mhz hypersparc on my
end since I don't have 2 of them.

Have you considered that this might just be a kernel bug?

I have forgotten. CPU is invalidated by post when diag-switch? is set (TOD register test failed). If diag-switch? isn't set, sometimes three or four processors were detected but system is not stable. By bissection, I have found faulty module and done some test with only this module. I'm sure it's really faulty.



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