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Re: sun4m cgfourteen sx wscons issues

On Fri, 11 Apr 2014 21:24:23 -0400
Michael <macallan%netbsd.org@localhost> wrote:

> This is odd, last time I tried ( that was a few months ago ) it worked just 
> fine.

It's no regression then, because i've tried netbsd-current somewhen in the 
middle of 2013 with the same problem but no time to look at it.

> Your log shows an 8MB VSIMM, which is what I'm using. Does this happen
> with a non-MP kernel as well? ( just to rule it out, right now I can't
> really think of anything that could cause this )

Non-mp GENERIC makes no difference.

> Hmm. All drawing is done through the SX, so if some glyphs show up
> we're at least feeding it correctly and it's scribbling into actual
> video memory. I assume the kernel is a stock GENERIC.MP from netbsd.org?
> Any chance you could send me a picture? 

It's the GENERIC.MP from netbsd.org's cvs HEAD.

I attached 3 images. The first shows the screen just after bootup, the second 
shows the screen after scrolling up or down completely, on the last one i 
scrolled half up.

> Does it manage to clear the screen on attach?


I just tested different video modes by setting output-device to screen:mode in 
OBP. With r1024x768x60, r1024x768x70, scrolling works. With r1280x1024x66 and 
r1280x1024x76m it doesn't.

Thank you for your help so far and the fast reply.

- Victor

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