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Re: Data Access Exception when trying to Boot installed NetBSD of hard drive

On Oct 12, 11:08pm, Mouse wrote:
} >> # ls -li
} >> [...]
} >>      5 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  4650540 Sep 29  2014 netbsd
} > Ok, so not a prom offset limitation.
} Still could be.  Just because it's inode 5 doesn't mean the data blocks
} are also from cg 0 (though admittedly it's likely).
} Also, if the relevant partition doesn't begin at/near the beginning of
} the drive, even early in the partition could be past the PROM
} addressing boundary (if there is one).  Some machines insist on boot
} partitions beginning at/near the beginning of the disk; others don't; I
} forget which are which....

     Even my Ultra 2, which is much newer then the original poster's
system requires the kernel to be within the first 4GB.

}-- End of excerpt from Mouse

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