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Re: Re (2): monitorless server; was Re: FTP server on a Sparc 2.

On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, Mouse wrote:

> > consdev is a virtual device that has pointers to the read and write
> > routines.  If you have a keyboard and display, you already have the
> > read and write vectors pointing to different drivers.  Swapping one
> > of them for the serial port read or write routine is trivial.  wscons
> > precludes that.
> Really?
> What prevents using wscons's output routine and some serial line's
> input routine, for example?
> As far as I can see, the answer is "nobody's bothered".

wscons doesn't play nice with others.  It's written in a way that it needs 
to handle either both input and output or it just won't work.


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