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re: Ross 511-6526 mbus modules

McGrude writes:
> I've acquired two Ross 511-6526 mbus modules.  These are each dual cpu
> cache-less mbus modules.   The page here
> https://www.netbsd.org/ports/sparc/faq.html#smp-cpus states I'll run
> into problems running two of these in one system with zero cache.
> Is there any way around that limitation?
> I am successfully running one in a sparc20, but would like to add the
> second one if it were possible.

afaict, these CPUs have 512KB cache each?  try it and see.  check
for heat issues when you're using them -- four of these in one
box does generate a lot of heat.

what does netbsd show in dmesg currently?


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