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re: sparc-current xsrc freetype2 vs fonts/fontconfig?
On Wed, 13 Jun 2018, matthew green wrote:
> this is actually not enough. i'm not sure exactly how to avoid
> this problem, if it is the same i saw, but try this.
> the old version still around in my /usr/X11R7. eg, pkgsrc has
> libfontconfig.so.1, and xsrc has .so.2 now. however, my system
> is old and had the old xsrc libfontconfig.so.1 still in
> /usr/X11R7/lib and the buildlink phase was linking some files
> from pkgsrc and some files from x11 for it!
> i removed these old files, and rebuilt x11-links from scratch
> and then my builds were sane again. it was critical to rebuild
> x11-links _after_ the removal.
I have only "/usr/X11R7/libfontconfig.so.2*" files. Any old version
was removed some time ago. The "x11-links" package was rebuilt well
after the removal.
> FWIW, i posted about this last week:
> http://mail-index.netbsd.org/pkgsrc-users/2018/06/05/msg026861.html
I saw that and only the bit about old libraries jumped out at me, so
I made a point to check my sparc install's /usr/X11R7/lib.
Now, the main point I see is the use of "PREFER.fontconfig=pkgsrc" and
As I didn't need these on i386/amd64-current, I wasn't expecting to need
them on sparc-current. I suppose that's the next thing to try.
> see above, perhaps they're just missing the old libs.
I was going to assert that my i386/amd64-current installs were in the
same state as the sparc-current installs, but checking reveals that
while they do NOT have old "libfontconfig.so*" libs, they DO have old
"libfreetype.so.{7,17}.* files that are not picked up by the "obsolete"
check in 'postinstall'.
I should note this is pkgsrc-2018Q1 and thus x11-links-1.10.
(2nd attempt to send. DNS is hosed, so my ISP denies relaying email.)
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