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Re: error building pango on 8.2


Greg Troxel wrote:
> did you try with pango not installed?

I retried, but it did not help. I fored an uninstall of pango, did a
clean and restarted.

I see  -I/usr/pkg/include/cairo

in the failing line (which is long, at the bottom of the email)

bash-5.2$ pkg_info | grep cairo
cairo-1.16.0nb7     Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
cairo-gobject-1.16.0nb6 Vector graphics library with cross-device output
bash-5.2$ find /usr/pkg -name cairo.h

I became suspicious! The same command finds the header on another NetBSD
system. The file exist, look:

bash-5.2$ ls -l /usr/pkg/include/cairo/cairo.h
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  110955 Apr  5 15:18

A detail is that /usr/pkg is a symlink... would be this a problem=

bash-5.2$ ls -ld /usr/p*
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    10 May  8  2020 /usr/pkg -> /disk2/pkg
drwxrwxr-x  52 root  wheel  1024 Dec 28 00:13 /usr/pkgsrc

If I look for the file in the target:
bash-5.2$ find /disk2/pkg -name cairo.h

It gets found immediately!

I'm puzzled: am I overseeing something trivial?

> netbsd-8 is teetering with respect to building current versions of a lot
> of software, and it seems nobody who works on pkgsrc is still running 8.
> It isn't formally deprecated because 10 has not been released, but at
> this point I see that as a technicality.   So my advice is stop running
> 8.  I personally did that a while ago and it looks like July of 2020
> from ctimes in /etc/rc.d/.
> Up to you to do what you want of course.

I think I'll wait for an update and I already have the other machine
running 9.3. Also 9.3 is unstable for me on the other box due to the
"out of memory" mentioned by me a couple of times, I need to reboot it
from time to time, while SS 10 with 8.2 is really rock-stable, it can
compile for days!!!


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