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Re: Booting 10.0 from CD on Sparc IPC fails - Data Access Exception

> Hi,

> I have now the old boot rom.. it has also the old prompt!
> I wanted to boot from the miniroot again, but failed. Very strange. Look
> Type b (boot), c (continue), or n (new command mode)
> >boot sd(,,1)netbsd -s

> Booting oot
> -
> device[sd(0,0,0)oot] ("halt" to halt): sd(0,0,1)netbsd -s
> boot (press RETURN to try default list): netbsd -s

> now netbsd 10.0 boots but then... I end up with my existing root mounted. So
> kind of live system... but not what I expected.
> I am not familiar with the old OBP....
> but it looks as if it somehow misintepreted my boot command?

Exactly.  For the old ROM, there is only "b", and not "boot".  The disks and
partitions are also specified differently.  The SunOS monitor(1m) man page
contains the details:


I guess something like:

  b (0,0,1) netbsd -s

is needed.




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