Subject: Not that I haven't tried...
To: None <>
From: B. Cook <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 02/05/2001 14:45:12

    I'm going to try and keep this as brief as I can, as I'm sure many
others before me have asked and tried the same things..

How can I install NetBSD on my Ultra10? I have commercial NetBSD CD's and
have printed off the Readme and followed it verbatim ('cept where it would
not apply ;) )

I'm sure we all know what a 'fun' time it is to install Solaris, so after
reading the sparc64 readme and doing the # dd if=miniroot.fs
of=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s1 bs=4k conv=sync command.. although I do have to say
that in the sparc64/installation dir there is no installation dir like there
is for sparc and in the sparc/installtion/miniroot/ there is a
miniroot.fs.gz ... this is the file that I used (after I untar'd/compressed
it - if this is what I did wrong this would be my problem but if not...)

So after doing dd from the sparc dir and not the sparc64 dir (because the
needed file did not exist) and halting/rebooting the machine it obviously
didn't boot; and needless to say messed up the solaris install that was on
the machine and made that not boot as well :(

I have not tried the tftp install because I would need to install solaris
again (and I don't have another 2.5 hours to do so) After going to
linux-expo in NY the other day, I had spoken to someone at the BSDi booth
and they were also hosting a slackware booth - so I spoke to him and he did
the port to sparc64 so I currently have slackware running on the box, but
would like to get something more stable than linux running on this
machine -but after the hours I've spent on trying to do this (which I'm
hoping is something that I am blatantly doing wrong) isn't working out very

So I'm asking for some help ..

any suggestions?

it's an Ultra10 300mhz, 256mb, 3.11boot prom, maxtor 19.5 gb 2mb cache 7200,
24x cdrom.  and netbsd 1.5 (currently running slackware on a 2.2.18 kernel)

ANY installation help would be GREATLY appreciated.
