Subject: keyboard repeat problem
To: None <>
From: Lloyd Parkes <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 01/30/2002 13:17:20
A while back someone reported having keyboard repeat problems, but the
general repsonse from people was that they weren't using their console

I have noticed the key repeat problem on the keyboard of my U10. It
makes it almost impossible to put my NetBSD system back together again
whenever I break it. I have also noticed two other things 1) the com
port drivers are for a 16550 chip, and so they should be the same as in
NetBSD/i386 and therefore well tested and reliable and 2) the PROM seems
to be still trying to control the keyboard. Stop-A will not get me
access to OF under NetBSD and some documentation somewhere seemed to
indicate that this was because OF was stealing the Stop-A key sequence
and another key sequence was used by NetBSD to activate OF instead.

What I want to know is, does this sound correct (or even coherent) and
is it likely that this problem is caused by OF and NetBSD fighting over
the keyboard's serial port and messing it up?
