Subject: Re: more build funzies
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 07/23/2002 12:32:35
On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, der Mouse wrote:

[build on U2 fails phenomenally followed by an almost success]

# I'm going to be playing with it some more, trying to see if I can do an
# UNPRIVED build (which _can't_ overwrite /usr/include) into another
# directory; ISTM that the first error above could be caused by a
# partially-changed /usr/include - indeed, the command that errors out is
# an attempt to compile something, but is run as part of a "make
# includes" and hence presumably before the full include tree has been
# built.

IIRC, you should not be building straight into / if you can help it.
Here's what I do:

	mkdir /somewhere-else/build /somewhere-else/obj -d -D /somewhere-else/build -O /somewhere-else/obj \
	-T /usr/src/tools

And if you REALLY want to get obnoxious, after that:
	mkdir /somewhere-else/release -u -T /usr/src/tools -O /somewhere-else/obj \
	-D /somewhere-else/build -R /somewhere-else/release

I think that's right...

[actually I usually combine those two and do a build and release in one

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