Subject: Re: cross compiler advice sought
To: Sean Davis <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 07/25/2004 07:55:39
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 01:54:00 -0400, Sean Davis <> wrote:
> Hi, I am seeking to build a fully functional cross compiler on two
> sparc64 machines to build binaries for i386 (hence why this is going
> to both lists).
> The cross-compiler toolchain built via is unable to build
> anything other than the NetBSD source... and it has been years since I
> setup a cross compiler (and that was for Linux/i386 to NetBSD/sun3).
> I want to do this so that I can use my Ultra 5 and Ultra 1 with distcc
> to build i386 binaries... I am curious as to whether anyone has done
> this, and if so, how they would suggest I go about it. If there is a
> README somewhere, please point me to it.
If you're asking about building stuff other than NetBSD source for
i386, then you are asking compiler questions and not NetBSD questions.
I believe there is plenty of documentation for using gcc to cross
compile. Probably it's best to follow it that way rather than here.
Although some kind soul might chime in I suppose.