Subject: Re: flash update for Ultra 1
To: None <>
From: Michael Lehmann <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 08/28/2004 14:54:57

> There were no binary modules found.  You may have loaded
> the wrong Flash update file for this system, which has the
> root node "model" property: SUNW,501-2486


> ok .version
> Release 3.11 Version 1 created 1997/12/03 15:44
>OBP 3.11.1 1997/12/03 15:44
> POST 3.11.4 1997/05/27 02:26

you are trying to apply the patch/upgrade (104881-xx) for the non-E models (U1 140/170) on an
E-model (U1 140E/170E/200E).

The part-no. 501-2486 is from an E-model and the .version output confirms that.

The E-models have 100 MBit ethernet (hme) and 68pin-SCSI connector on the back, while the non-E
models have only 10 MBit ethernet (le) and a 50pin-SCSI connector.

The correct patch is 104288-09 (with OBP 3.35).

Patch 104288-08 with OBP 3.31 was broken !

Here are a few links:

Overview of Boot PROMs for Sun-4u Architecture

Direct link to the download/readme page for the current 104288 patch

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