Subject: Re: Creator3D support on Ultra2
To: sideband <>
From: R. Tyler Ballance <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 09/18/2004 09:46:18
> I have an Ultra Sparc2 with a pair of 167Mhz Processors.. I know SMP 
> is still in development, as in Creator3d support for X for the platform...

Me too!

> What I'm wondering is where both of these projects are standing.
> Here's the reasons: 
> 1. I crunch SETI@Home, and I'd like to get both processors running 
> on that machine for that reason.

SMP is to the point where the kernel will spin up the second processor, I
haven't troubled with building a .MP kernel in -CURRENT lately, but I doubt
it's made much more progress (SMP is pretty hard)

> 2. I'd like to get X up and running on the machine. I'm a HAM radio 
> operator, and I'd like to use the Sparc to set up an APRS (Amateur 
> Position Reporting System) Digipeater and mailbox, running XASTIR.

I've gotten X working no problem, i've had _some_ framebuffer problems, but
i've run Enlightenment and Fluxbox without a problem, along with some apps
like Moz, etc.

> Needless to say, the sooner I can get functionality out of both 
> processors and the Creator3D Video card in this machine, the better, 
> as I can get my current system off of that damned Windows box.

If you run the setiathome process with 'nice' (`nice ./setiathome`) it'll be
"nice" to you're running processes at any given time.

But keep in mind, both SETI and X are hungry prograns. X takes up a good
amount of my memory, and SETI would take up a good amount of CPU


-R. Tyler Ballance