Subject: Re: Shutdown by pressing one key
To: None <>
From: Michael Gerhards <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 10/04/2004 15:17:10 wrote:
> You need to log into a server at some point, i.e. general admin tasks, 
> adding software, checking logs etc. The simplest way to log in is 
> through ssh

Sure. I know ssh and I use it for adminstration tasks, of course.

But seems as if I should describe the situation a bit more in detail.

The Sun shall act as a server, giving access to the internet for a small
home network. It shall _not_ be up 24/7 but only when it's needed. 
The users of this home network don't know much about computers, they can
boot a windows pc and use it as a surf station, but not more. They can
_not_ login via ssh to shut down the server - which would also mean that
if they forgot to shut down the server and there was no other computer
running, they would have to boot again another computer, just to shut
down the server. In my eyes this is no good solution.

You see my problem? 
