Subject: (More) X/FFB strangeness
To: None <>
From: Jaap Boender <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 12/13/2004 12:33:47
Hi all,

In the continuing attempt to get NetBSD to work with the FFB, here is another 

I've got an Ultra 1 with a Creator 3D, which worked okay (some minor things, 
see earlier postings to this list), but I upgraded a few weeks ago and now 
some strange things are happening when I try using KDE. 

First off, using X with xdm works all right. Though when I use kdm, it starts 
generating an endless amount of "X server startup timeout, terminating" and
"X server termination timeout, killing" messages. A ps shows that it keeps 
running xkbcomp:

/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm - -em1 The 
XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp >  -eml Errors from xkbcomp 
are not fatal to the X server compiled/server-0.xkm

I can start kde using startkde, but then konsole behaves strangely: every time 
I press Shift and a key, some kind of menu pops up (which I've never even 
seen before). xterm under KDE does not have this problem, neither do other 
KDE applications (konqueror for example).

So, I can work, but I'm a bit puzzled by this behaviour, especially since xdm 
and xterm work and kdm and konsole do not. Does anyone have any idea what is 
happening? I'm using NetBSD-current, compiled with John Heasley's kernel 
patches and Andrey Petrov's X patches (when I use John's X patches, the same 
problems occur).


  Jaap Boender
"But I escalated my probes until the subjects were strapped into overstuffed 
faux leather recliners and made to read anniversary card humor...
Sometimes the screaming was unbearable."
  -- Thorax, 9 Chickweed Lane