Subject: Re: Re: automatic reboot of kernel panic ?
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Joel CARNAT <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 01/06/2005 12:11:41
On Thu, Jan 06 2005 - 11:51, Martin Husemann wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 10:50:59AM +0100, Joel CARNAT wrote:
> > So, is it possible to tell NetBSD kernel (or PROM) to not let the
> > machine in db> mode and to reboot automatically when kernel crashes ?
> Set systctl ddb.onpanic to 0 (via /etc/sysctl.conf).

 great ! I'll use that =)

> > While I'm at it, is it possible to get console output when nothing is
> > plugged on the console port ?
> I use xconsole for this (you need to chown /dev/console to yourself
> for this to work).

 ah ! but my U5 has no keyboard/screen plugged :)
 I'll try to see if I can grab its data with -server flag.

> Martin
> P.S.: are you running 2.0? That would explain the instability - hopefully
> 2.0.1 will be there soon.

yes, it runs 2.0-release.
do you now how soon ?  I mean is it two weeks or more than a month ? :)
I ask this because, I'm used to cvsuping often /usr/src and it just
never compiles the whole thing (I use -rnetbsd-2-0)... So I'm wondering
if I synchronise with the right branch or if there are so many things to
correct before next release (I noticed releng is not releasing things
for a while)

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