Subject: Re: ultra5 & Xwindows
To: Amadeus Stevenson <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 04/29/2005 13:58:39
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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> Sorry to flag a dead horse, but is X on ultra5 possible?
> I have an ATI Rage Pro chipset on board which is "not configured" in
> the generic 2.0 kernel.
-current has an accelerated driver for this chipset and can run XFree86
with full acceleration.
> I saw some patches for X to get this working, but doesn't there have
> to be a positive kernel message first?
Didn't make it into 2.0
> I never really understood what to do with the "not configured"
> messages in netbsd. I've heard of "drivers" but have no idea how to
> find/apply them.
This means no driver claimed this device, so your U5 uses the generic
PROM driver as console.=20
> Or can you carry on using a device if it's not configured?
Usually not.
> Do the patches work for 2.0?
Maybe, but it's never been tried. You can run a -current kernel with a
2.0 userland, it requires some adjustments ( for wscons ) but that's no
more than 2 minutes fiddling :)
> I heard openbsd X works fine so I may try that, although I'd prefer to
> stick with netBSD.
Try a -current kernel, the machfb driver is what you want. If you don't
feel like compiling your own kernel you can use mine ( I use an Ultra
10, same graphics controller, plus USB and SymBIOS SCSI )
Like this one:
before you try it make sure you:
- don't overwrite your working kernel. You may need it if something
goes wrong.
- add this to /etc/ttys:
ttyE0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" xterm-color on secure
ttyE1 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" xterm-color on secure
ttyE2 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" xterm-color on secure
ttyE3 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" xterm-color on secure
- comment out the 'console...' line or you won't be able to log in on
the console, ttyE0 will take over instead.
- make sure you can log in via network in case something goes wrong.
- add this to your /etc/rc.conf:
... to get virtual consoles ( switch using STOP-Fn )
In the same directory you'll find everything you need to set up X -
install the 2.0 X11 packages ( make sure to use tar xzpf ... - without
p some flags get lost, like the setuid flag on XFree86 ), then unpack
XFree86.tar.bz2. XF86Config is what I use, may not fit your wishes but
it's a starting point. the xmodmap file is a keymap ( feed it to xmodmap
) which makes the cursor keys work properly. Make sure /usr/X11R6/bin/X
points to /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86.
have fun
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