Subject: Re: data corruption on aceride
To: None <>
From: Hiroki Sato <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 06/19/2005 21:07:20
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Manuel Bouyer <> wrote
  in <>:

bo> is there someone still having data corruption issues with aceride (found
bo> in netra T1) with current kernels ?
bo> Stoned Elipot loaned me a netra T1 to work on this issue (Martin pointed me
bo> to the workaround in the opensolaris sources) but I can't reproduce
bo> it on this box. I checked out pkgsrc and src, and complered a
bo> ' release sets' without troubles.

 I am using netbsd-2-0 as of March, but I have data corruption
 issue on Sun Blade 100 for nearly a year.
 The corruption does not occur immediately, but find(1) performed
 by the /etc/security script triggers the problem gradually
 and it starts reporting "bad file descriptor".  Until
 the problem occurs it takes several weeks or months.

 After DMA of the aceride driver is disabled by using "flags 0x0002,"
 the symptom disappears and the box becomes stable for these months.
 Should I try the latest current kernel?

bo> Maybe it depends on the revision. The one I have here is:
bo> ebus0: Acer Labs M1543 PCI-ISA Bridge, revision 0x00
bo> aceride0: Acer Labs M5229 UDMA IDE Controller (rev. 0xc3)

 The revisions are the same as mine.

| Hiroki SATO

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