Subject: Re: NetBSD and Solaris on the same disk
To: None <,>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 09/27/2005 10:55:32
On Feb 17,  8:07am, wrote:
} Hi, is it possible to have NetBSD and Solaris residing on the same
} disk? For example, having a single 36GB disk I would like to allocate
} 18GB to Solaris and 18 GB to NetBSD and then be able to dual boot
} either OS. Is there a trick to acheive this or it's just not
} possible?

     This is easy.  Just put them in different partitions, and setup
/etc/{v,}fstab appropriately.  They can probably share the swap
partition.  When booting the system, type 'boot disk:a' for the first
OS and 'boot disk:<whatever>' for the second OS.  Try googling for
something like 'solaris linux sparc dual boot' and you should get some
useful info.

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