Subject: Re: x86 Port outperforms SPARC64 port on NetBSD v2.0.2
To: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 10/05/2005 08:15:49
On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 21:54:52 -0400
Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET> wrote:
> >>>>> "s" == segv <> writes:
> s> it can't even schedule multiple threads within the
> s> same process onto different CPUs.
> well, for sparc64 that's still academic that really true?
> I'm surprised because I thought this was exactly the whole point of
> scheduler activations: to move just enough context switching into the
> kernel to keep all CPUs busy, and do the rest in user space where it's
> faster. Otherwise it may as well just be pth?
> pthread(3)
> PTHREAD_CONCURRENCY The number of concurrent threads to be run.
> This value should at least be 1, and smaller
> than or equal to the number of CPUs.
> Next you will tell me that if one thread gets stalled waiting for
> pagein/out, all the other threads stall too ha ha.
I made my comment based on the following article
Where Christos Zoulas states that threads from a single process cannot use more
than one CPU
So, I guess this is something that NetBSD needs to impove