Subject: Re: Setting OBP Screen Resolution on Ultra 10
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 01/25/2006 16:26:24
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

>>>>> "ss" == Schwerzmann, Stephan <> writes:

    ss> open a shell and _possibly_ you can operate the m64config
    ss> utility to tune your gfx adapter

I've never found m64config settings to survive reboots, so I don't
think it can help with NetBSD.

Also the 'fbconfig -gui' man page refers to a 'SUNWdcm' package:

         In addition, the GUI allows advanced users to  create  a
         new video format (resolution) that some graphics devices
         can select  from  fbconfig  command  line  or  from  the
         device-dependent  portion  of  the GUI. The GUI's online
         help explains all options and features.

Which sounds like it would help you with non-Sun monitors sorta like
modelines in XFree86, except without the suckage of having the kernel
debugger be useless.  On some obscure web ``forum,'' a Sun employee
admitted The SUNWdcm package is vapourware as of Solaris 10.

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