Subject: Re: sparc64 w /PCI
To: None <>
From: Michael Parson <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 06/07/2006 21:39:39
On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 07:18:49PM -0400, wrote:
> All,
> I have an Enterprise250. Can any PCI video card be used in this
> machine with NetBSD ? The support page lists some sun video cards and
> then says all PCI cards will work. I suspect "all PCI" means all that
> are not video cards.
You can even use Video, you just won't get anything till X fires up (if
you are using XFree86 or XOrg, not XSun) due to the lack of sun OpenBoot
support on the cards. Same with random disk controllers, IDE, SCSI, or
otherwise, you might be able to use them once the OS loads, but not for
booting from (limited cases where you can use some for booting, I'll
leave that for those that know which, specifically).
Michael Parson