Subject: Re: IPv6 Question...
To: Greg Evans <>
From: david l goodrich <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 07/08/2006 20:40:44
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On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 06:18:04PM -0700, Greg Evans wrote:
> Hi,
> Have been searching around the net for a way to disable IPv6 without =20
> recompiling the kernel but have found no information thusfar. =20
> Ithought that perhaps I could do it using sysctl but that doesn't =20
> 'seem' to work either as I still have an IPv6 address when I check =20
> with ifconfig.
> I admittedly do not understand IPv6 enough to know what I am looking =20
> at, but what I do know is that it seems to mess up pkg_add and the =20

What do you mean, "mess up pkg_add"?
for example, on my IPv6-enabled-but-not-configured 3.0/i386
machine, I see this:
dlg@ordep:/$ sudo pkg_add
ftp: connect to address 2001:4f8:1:c:2e0:81ff:fe30:95bd: No route
to host
ftp: /home/dlg/.netrc: Permission denied

So, yes, it displays an error, but afterwards it has in fact
installed itself:

dlg@ordep:/$ pkg_info | grep vim
vim-share-6.4.8nb1  Data files for the vim editor (vi clone)
vim-6.4.8           Vim editor (vi clone) without GUI

Or are you seeing a different error?  Details would be helpful.

> like for me, so I would like to turn it off somehow.
> Thanks in advance for any help that can be given :)
> Greg

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