Subject: how to get to PROM prompt in serial console? was: Re: serial console
To: None <>
From: Paul (NCC/CS). <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 07/25/2006 10:55:17
Gidday Gents,

i have the serial console going. Thks.

Now it's trying to NET boot , and getting
time out waiting for ARP/RARP packet.

To which I normally press L1 A or STOP A,
but since i'm on the serial console that key sequence
is ignored. Actually it's lucky it doesn't actually
stop the machine thats viewing the console.

So is it possible to send L1 A down the serial console?
Some other key sequence?
Or is there another key sequence to get to the PROM
prompt?  I need to get there to say boot cdrom:).

many thanks,

Jochen Kunz wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:40:27 +1000
> "Paul (NCC/CS)." <> wrote:
> > what is the command to run a serial console again please?
> cons0:dv=/dev/tty00:br#9600:pa=none:dc:
> in /etc/remote and then "tip cons0". You may have to change the
> "/dev/tty00" part.
> --
> tschüß,
>        Jochen
> Homepage:




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