Subject: Re: PC RAM in Ultra 5/10 ?
To: None <>
From: F.Massolo <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 08/17/2006 02:34:15
Michael <macallan18 <at>> writes:

> Hello,
> > > is there any chance to have PC memory working on Ultra 5/10 ?
> > > I tried to plug an EDO and PC100 part but they don't even fit in the
> > > slot.
> > > 
> > > anyone can confirm Sun Ultra's only can use Sun Memory ?
> > 
> > yip (of course ;).
> > it's proprietary Sun memory.
> Sure about that? The DIMMs in my U1 certainly look odd, but these in the
> U10 look like ECC EDO DIMMs. 

certainly enough, they *look* like ECC EDO DIMMs...
yet there is a slight difference in the position of
the "holes" in a normal pc stick and in a u10's stick.

however, the difference is of around 1mm, and resides
NOT in the actual conector positions, but in the spare
plastic to the sides of the "holes". in any case, it
seems that they made a VERY minimal change in order to
make everyone buy their ram from sun and not from any 
pc retailer (both sticks REALLY look alike).

so anyways, having some spare ram and free time, i've
managed to make a rather clean modificaction to a
normal pc stick (by gently filing the extra plastic),
which now fits in the u10's slot, and has it's
connectors untouched... and to my surprise, installing
this stick in the u10 does not make it crash!

anyway, i hope this helps (and sorry for my bad english!).

