Subject: The dreaded thread bug [was Re: Stable again?]
To: Pavel Cahyna <>
From: Geoff Adams <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 10/26/2006 17:58:50
On 26 Oct 2006, at 5:14 PM, Pavel Cahyna wrote:

> There is some hint in this PR:

Aha... I hadn't found that PR. This comment by christos gives me a  
really good clue about what parts of the SPARC trap handling I need  
to bone up on:

     It is indeed related to register windows; having to take a fault  
while context
     switching to bring in registers from the stack is a no-no. How  
to fix it is
     a different story.

Thanks for the pointer. Now, I need to find a good SPARC trap and  
context switching reference, since this will take me beyond my  
current knowledge very shortly. SPARC assembler I can handle, but...

A'web-searching I go.

- Geoff