Subject: Re: Have anyone tried to build NetBSD/sparc64 on Solaris 10/Sparc with SunStudio 11 host compiler yet?
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 05/31/2007 12:37:11
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>>>>> "rk" == Rick Kelly <> writes:
rk> So the sparc64 version has a "better" compiler.
it's likely to produce sparc32 objects by default, like most of the
Solaris userland. All the sparc64 stuff is in sparcv9 subdirs like
/lib/sparcv9 and /usr/bin/sparcv9, and needs special CFLAGS to build
new programs from it like here:
Also there is a frankengcc compiler from Sun that contains GPL'ed gcc
front-end, but combined with a proprietary Sun Studio back-end which
under all their old-vendor-days onerous terms like ``no publishing
benchmarks''. Their altered gcc writes a file in /tmp, and then their
mangled build of Sun Studio reads the file and produces SPARC objects
with more reasonable optimisation than gcc.
that would be a more plausible place to start than plain Sun Studio if
you want to replace the NetBSD gcc tools with something that's fast on
SPARC, but it might be a problem that you don't get source code for
the part closest to object generation.
I think you should probably look through the license to make sure
there is no poison pill about running objects on notSolaris, too.
something like: ``you must agree to the SXDE/Nevada license, login,
register the number of copies you're using, or you're not allowed to
use this tiny bit of assembler that does integer division.'' That's
just an example, but I haven't tried to read the license carefully nor
kept careful track of all the binaries frankengcc pulls in from the OS
while it's running on a Solaris box.
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