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Re: Choppy audio playback

On Sunday 09 March 2008 23:17:46 Martin Husemann wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 10:57:21PM +0000, raymond.meyer%rambler.ru@localhost 
> wrote:
> > Anyone noticed the same thing, or has any idea what's causing this?
> Yes, happens to me too since the vmlocking2 merge, on my krups it is
> even worse than on a U2 (running 64bit). On the U2 the first playback
> after boot is completely broken, reproducably.
> Martin

Ah, this is quite annoying, I listen to music a lot. When the sound gets 
choppy, I pause the playback and start again, normal playback resumes, but 
then gets choppy again. This is quite random. So nobody knows what's causing 
it? Do you think there is a race condition somewhere in the kernel?

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