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Re: SUNW,m46B resolutions?

>> [...] are you looking at netbsd 3.1 sources you're missing out on
>> the last 44 revisions to machfb.c.
> Oh, in that case pretty much all you can do is to hardcode the video
> mode.  I'm pretty sure I added the rudimentary EDID support much
> later.

(a) How much later?  (Post-5.1?)

(b) How would I go about hardcoding a video mode, either in machfb or
in OF's nvramrc?  I'm not too thrilled by the idea, but it may end up
being the rightest of the available answers.  The screen I'd like to
hook this up to is currently being driven by a peecee, and I'm getting
more and more fed up with having to use a peecee keyboard.  (Speaking
of which, am I correct in thinking the miniDIN-8 connector on the U5 is
for keyboard and mouse and is compatible with type-4 and type-5 (and
type-3 with a passive adapter) keyboards?)

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