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Re: Ultrasparc III+ kernel panic
On Sat, 07 Feb 2015 10:35:33 +0100
BERTRAND Joël <joel.bertrand%systella.fr@localhost> wrote:
> cpu0: data fault: pc=14bdae8 rpc=0 addr=ffffffffffff8000
This is in printf and addr = -32768. Obviously nothing is
mapped there, but ...
Dump of assembler code for function printf:
0x00000000014bdae0 <+0>: save %sp, -192, %sp
0x00000000014bdae4 <+4>: sethi %hi(0x1c77800), %g1
0x00000000014bdae8 <+8>: stx %i1, [ %fp + 0x887 ]
The frame pointer looks wrecked, but it seems strange that
this memory access would resolve to -32768.
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