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Re: NetBSD-8.xx fails to boot on ultra 45

On Mon, Mar 04, 2019 at 08:56:08PM +0100, Magnus Lindholm wrote:
> Hi,
> I read in the mail archives that there are known issues with booting NetBSD
> 8.0 on the Sun Ultra-45. I tried booting the NetBSD-8.99.35 iso and it also
> fails. I get to the point where the audio driver is loaded, then the system
> freezes. In the previous mail thread the kernel stack space usage was
> suspected to cause this. Any news on this issue? If I want to run NetBSD on
> my Ultra-45 should I install an older version of NetBSD and then try to
> build a more recent kernel with increased kernel stack space?

I don't have a U45 myself, can you help me understand the stack issue?
I have no problem bumping it up in general, but first would like to see
what actually causes the issue and if there is a better fix.

Which audio driver does attach on the U45?

Can you boot into ddb (Stop-A after the memory test and then "boot netbsd -d"),
try to set a breakpoint on that audio drivers attach function, e.g. like:

  db> b autri_attach
  db> c

and when it hits that breackpoint show the output of

  db> bt


  db> mach stack

please? Photos of the first page are fine, full captured output from serial
console would be even better.



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