Ok, booted netbsd-GENERIC 9.2 and after the message: [ 65.0493773] admtemp0: workqueue busy: updates stopped I sent a break. Here is the output from bt: db{0}> btintr_list_handler(101dbe880, 7, e0047850, 10261f100, 10435e0, 101d8a040) at netb
sd:intr_list_handler+0x10sparc_interrupt(102680800, 101d8a041, 1cb7800, 10261f100, 80, 1c01000) at netbsd
:sparc_interrupt+0x294 stick2eintr(1, 0, 2014000, 0, 2014000, 10000) at netbsd:stick2eintr+0x20intr_biglock_wrapper(0, 1, e0047b90, 0, 10435a0, e0048000) at netbsd:intr_bigloc
k_wrapper+0x20sparc_interrupt(101d8a040, 101d8a040, 1c55, 1cba038, 1cba038, 101d8a040) at netb
sd:sparc_interrupt+0x294firewire_watchdog(101d8a040, 101d8a041, 0, 1cba038, 1cba038, 101d8a040) at netbs
d:firewire_watchdog+0x48callout_softclock(1cba040, 1000000, 10000, 30c0, 20c0, 1cba0e0) at netbsd:callou
t_softclock+0xb4softint_dispatch(2000, 1, 0, 101db8ca0, 1779500c0, 177950360) at netbsd:softint_
dispatch+0x80softint_fastintr(101db8ca0, 1, e0047cf0, 0, 10435a0, 2) at netbsd:softint_fastin
tr+0x80sparc_interrupt(f0056c1c, 1140d0, 1173b8, 0, fff57b48, 1) at netbsd:sparc_interr
upt+0x294 Am 15.06.21 um 20:05 schrieb Julian Coleman:
Hi Oliver,ok, that was definitely useful! It was the lack of NFS V2 offered by my linux-box. After fixing it, I am finally able to load a kernel via NFS.Good news - I'm glad that it was easy!sorry, I have to correct myself: Actually, I can send BREAK from my terminal program (minicom) and the kernel goes into debugging mode (shows db> prompt). However, what am I going to do now?At the db> prompt, the most useful command is `bt`. That will give you a backtrace, and hopefully show us where things are stuck. If you could send that to the list, then we should be able to work out where the problem is and fix it. Also, with network booting, it should be easy to boot with different kernels. Regards, Julian