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Re: SCSi issues after 10.0 update


David Brownlee wrote:
> That is unfortunate :/

Indeed... easy to reproduce bugs are best. Also, if I had a drive issue
(crossing fingers) it would have popped up again after having tortured
it with bonnie, also I continued to use it as NFS server.

> When the issue triggered before which clients were busy - was it the
> sparcs? I'm wondering if it may also be related to the specific use
> patterns of those clients - also might be interesting to know if they
> fail on rmdir the same way...

I don't know why NFS Client FreeBSD bonnie missed to delete directories,
since when I tried manually, same user, it worked perfectly. It has
1000Mbit link

When the issue was triggered I had:

- Netra T1 - NetBSD 10 serving NFS and also doing some work itself. It
has 100Mbit link
  - Client 1 - SparcStation 10 - NetBSD 9.4 compiling pkg with sources
over NFS
  - Client 2 - Sparcstation 20 (or 4?) - NetBSD 10.0 compiling pkg with
sources over NFS

So it was all a NetBSD business :)

I tried running bonnie++ on SS10 / 9.4 over NFS (same volume as
FreeBSD), it hangs.

bash-5.2$  bonnie++ -d /disk2/pkg-bin/ -s 256 -r 128
Writing a byte at a time...done
Writing intelligently...done
Reading a byte at a time...done
Reading intelligently...done
start 'em...done...done...done...done...done...

<...> waited here for 10 hours

top says the process is parked:
19531 multix    39    0    59M 2528K parked/0  12:15  0.00%  0.00% bonnie++

still.. before this it did already quite some read/write over NFS and I
see no errors on serial console of the Netra server

I even retried and it completed!!!
Name:Size etc        /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
/sec %CP
rochben.wester 256M   12k  97  797k  13  269k  11   13k  99 1021k  11
210.3 345
Latency               996ms    1030ms    1572ms     748ms     303ms

while it was running, I re-run bonnie on the server on the other disk -
no issues!
800k/s write 1000k/s read isn't that much, but it has a 10MBit link none
can't expect much more. I wonder why writing is so slow.
1.5 seconds latency is bad :)

Anyay, couldn't yet reproduce. Building bonnie++ on the S4, so to have a
Sparc NetBSD 10 client. Perhaps I was using a SS20 at the moment of the
bug, but thatone is so unstable it is out of order for me.

To further test, I used a NetBSD 10.0 laptop as a client, instead of
FreeBSD. With wired 1000Mbig ethernet. Performance weren't bad, even if
with even higher latency.
It succeeds without issues. So I repeated it while running bonnie++
locally on the other disk - should be quite a bit of stress.
NO errors.


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