Subject: Re: bleh
To: <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/15/1994 22:18:00
In article <>,
Adam Glass <> wrote:
>so is anyone other than gordon doing anything?
Yes, I've been reading the netIE.c, if_ie.c, and if_le.c files,
trying to pull something together. Intel is sending me documentation
on the 82586, it has not arrived yet.
I've been trying to get a look at a Sun Field Technical Guide, which
I'm told has all the right info on mapping VME, etc.. a Sun FAQ said
that it was $500, so I tried "Hardware Canada" (a local Sun
refurbisher), but they didn't have their Sun 3 stuff around. Mac Brown
said he'd look in his garage for me...
I was also looking at improving the obio probing: the current kernel
"finds" an le0 on the 160 I have :-)
Also, about the NFSDISKLESS hack... how do I fill in those
structures? Those are NFS handles right, and I thought they are opaque
to the clients. Do I have to muck around with etherfind on the server?
:!mcr!: HOME: +1 613 788 2600 3853
Michael Richardson WORK: (Conservation Ecology)
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