Subject: Re: faxes? VmMach_NetMemAlloc
To: <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/24/1994 19:00:51
In article <>,
Michael Richardson <> wrote:
> yup, figured that part out. The Intel chip does have *any*
>controller area. Writing to OBIO_INTEL_ETHER just toggles the "channel
>attention" wire. Combined with the fact that the control structures
Actually, this is false. The bits have some meaning. I gleamed this
from a part of netIEInt.h... Maybe by the end of the weekend I'll have
a nice posting...
:!mcr!: HOME: +1 613 788 2600 3853
Michael Richardson WORK: (Conservation Ecology)
Here is an HTML reference to my bio.