Subject: Runs SunOS binaries (see sparc sun shared lib notes)
To: None <>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/17/1995 16:37:36
> Date: Fri, 17 Mar 95 15:49:34 -0500
> From: Kenneth Stailey <>

> says:
> > Runs SunOS binaries (see sparc sun shared lib notes)
> Where are these notes?
Gee... I forget where they are.  I couldn't find them either.

Well, here goes...

First you copy Sun's /usr/lib/ to that same path on the
NetBSD/sun3 system.  Then make the directory /sun and copy
the relevant parts of the SunOS /usr filesystem there.
(I just NFS mount the SunOS /usr on /sun)

Finally, use emacs on /usr/lib/ (in overwrite mode) and
replace "/usr" with "/sun" at all ocurrances.   That's it.

> I want to build a NetBSD/sun3 kernel by running the SunOS/sun3 cross
> compiler binaries under NetBSD/sun3.  I get a message about "no
> /usr/lib/".  I assume you need the SunOS/sun3 /usr/lib/,
> since the NetBSD/sun3 one just segmentation faults if you copy it into
> /usr/lib.  Do you also need the SunOS/sun3 shared libraries?

Yes, you need the SunOS shared libs from /usr/lib in /sun/lib

> If it's just the could someone send it to me?
> FYI: attempts to run NetBSD/i386 binaries on NetBSD/sun3 cause kernel
> panics instead of "Exec format error. Wrong Architecture." messages.

Gee.  That was an optimistic experiment!  8^)
