Subject: Re: Report on compiling the OS...
To: None <>
From: Geoff Adams <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/13/1995 20:06:39
> You also should comment out the line:
> XINC = -nostdinc -I../xinc
> in Makefile.sun3 (as the comment implies)
Oops. Apparently I didn't read that closely enough. I did think about
the -nostdinc, though, and didn't think it would be appropriate to
remove it, since since it seems to me that building a kernel ought not
be dependent on the OS you're doing it in. That would include, for
instance, building a NetBSD-current kernel more recent than the version
of NetBSD installed on the host. Upon looking closer, though, I see
that my NetBSD/sparc kernel builds don't do -nostdinc. Hmmm.
Anyway, that'll obviously solve that problem.
Of course, wouldn't
XINC = -nostdinc -I../../../../../include
do the right thing, cross-compiling or not? That has the disadvantage
of requiring the rest of the source tree just to compile a kernel,
though, and I suppose that would be a real problem to many people.
I think I'll move out of build politics and back into kernel hacking,
now.. :)
- Geoff