Subject: net booting 3/60 from FreeBSD
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: bryan d. o'connor <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/25/1995 00:42:03
i'm trying to boot a sun 3/60 from a FreeBSD box and it seems to
be getting stuck dealing with the RARP requests.

  sun 3/60 == xterm,
  486/33   == europa,

on the sun, i see:
  > b le(0) -ds
  Boot le(0,0,0) -ds
  Requesting Internet address for 08:00:20:06:67:39

on the FreeBSD box, i see (using tcpdump)
  rarp 08:00:20:06:67:39 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff who-is 08:00:20:06:67:39 \
                                           tell 08:00:20:06:67:39
  rarp [486's ether    ] 08:00:20:06:67:39 reply  08:00:20:06:67:39 \


the RARP stuff looks right -- so is the sun3 ignoring it or is it failing
some other way?  or maybe the next step (what is the next step, tftp-ing
the diskless boot code?) is failing and it is restarting?

i apologize if this is out-of-line, but i've got to get the thing to boot
before i can do anything productive with NetBSD.
