Subject: Dunno if anyone cares....
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott J. Ellentuch <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/30/1995 21:08:36

	I realize this isn't a PURE Sun 3 item, and if anyone wants me to
take this "off line" I won't be offended.

Results of testing :

(Valhalla is AIX, Tucssun is SunOS 4.1.1, MNE is Sun on other side of 56K)

Ftp from MNE to Valhalla:
336168 bytes received in 278.4 seconds (1.179 Kbytes/s)

Ftp from Valhalla to Tucssun:
336168 bytes received in 1.4 seconds (2.3e+02 Kbytes/s)

Ftp from MNE to Tucssun:
336168 bytes received in 2.3e+02 seconds (1.4 Kbytes/s)

TTCP (TCP) Tucssun/Valhalla:
ttcp-r: 16777216 bytes in 74.55 real seconds = 219.77 KB/sec +++
ttcp-r: 14187 I/O calls, msec/call = 5.38, calls/sec = 190.30
ttcp-r: 0.5user 7.1sys 1:14real 10% 2i+6d 154maxrss 0+1pf 14030+0csw

TTCP (TCP) Valhalla (localhost):
ttcp-t: 16777216 bytes in 8.48 real seconds = 1932.18 KB/sec +++
ttcp-t: 2048 I/O calls, msec/call = 4.24, calls/sec = 241.52
ttcp-t: 0.2user 1.4sys 0:08real 19% 4i+17d 148maxrss 0+2pf 3984+0csw

TTCP (TCP) Tucssun (localhost):
ttcp-t: 16777216 bytes in 58.40 real seconds = 280.55 KB/sec +++
ttcp-t: 2048 I/O calls, msec/call = 29.20, calls/sec = 35.07
ttcp-t: 0.3user 36.9sys 0:58real 63% 0i+18d 20maxrss 0+1pf 4194+306csw

TTCP (UDP) Valhalla (localhost):
ttcp-t: 16777216 bytes in 6.05 real seconds = 21.17 Mbit/sec +++
ttcp-t: 2054 I/O calls, msec/call = 3.01, calls/sec = 339.70
ttcp-t: 0.1user 3.8sys 0:06real 65% 0i+4d 178maxrss 0+2pf 0+0csw

TTCP (UDP) Valhalla / Tucssun :
ttcp-t: 16777216 bytes in 6.45 real seconds = 19.85 Mbit/sec +++
ttcp-t: 2054 I/O calls, msec/call = 3.22, calls/sec = 318.47
ttcp-t: 0.2user 6.1sys 0:06real 99% 1i+4d 176maxrss 0+2pf 0+0csw

TTCP (UDP) Tucssun (localhost):
ttcp-t: 16777216 bytes in 28.66 real seconds = 4.47 Mbit/sec +++
ttcp-t: 2054 I/O calls, msec/call = 14.29, calls/sec = 71.67
ttcp-t: 0.4user 17.9sys 0:28real 64% 0i+18d 23maxrss 0+1pf 0+1928csw

So ok, WHAT did I prove.  If you look, nothing is consistent.  How can
I then decide what my provider is really providing?!  And is the 3/50 a
TRUE dog and should be chucked and get a 3/60 (Gordon, I know your vote
already...Still waiting to hear what your friend has to say).

				Thanks, Scott