Subject: Saga...Part??
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott J. Ellentuch <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/03/1995 13:38:27
Hello all,
No, not talking about bandwidth. I got a FEW different messages about
it and am working it out. I was wondering if someone with a 3/60 could run
the program (volunteers?) and tell me the results. (Heres the change to get me
to spend another $500 on MORE hardware)
I emailed (David Case) and got a 3/50M board shipped
next day air for 42.75. I installed it just to make sure it passed the test
and got to the boot section. It did. I then took the MMU chip (Most
peoples idea of what was wrong) and swapped it with the new board. I put
my board back in and booted. SAME PROBLEMS! I put the new board in, and it
was FINE! I finally decided to remove the piggyback board, and basically
try to bring my board back to "original" state. It works again! So, it
seems it is the piggyback board thats the problems.
I've actually found the company that made it in '88 (Solflower
Computer in CA list price was $795) and it seems they have 1 guy (Kim)
supporting it, but we ALWAYS miss each others phone calls. I'm going to
go hot/heavy Monday after him, and will even see if I can UPS the boards
to him and have HIM get it to work.
In the mean time, I'm back to the trouble of TFTP timing out to the
Linux box.
Pats on the back, words of encouragement/guidance SORELY needed and
DEFINITELY appreciated.