Subject: Is a recent config for SunOS available?
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Caldon <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 07/18/1995 23:03:13
Does anyone have a recent config binary for SunOS?

I'm trying to cross compile NetBSD on a Sun 3/60 with SunOS, using the
xc_sun3.tar.gz distribition. seems to have changed its name 
to config and mutated the config file format somewhat, rendering
xc_sun3.tar.gz's useless.  I have spent about an hour playing
with the NetBSD config source, with some success.  In lieu of the above,
could someone tell me what are reasonable things to use for ALIGN and 
ALIGNBYTES in the file hash.c.  I have tried playing with memalign to no
