Subject: boot trouble
To: None <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 07/25/1995 16:53:32
> Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 16:42:41 -0400
> From: der Mouse <>
> I'm trying to set up NetBSD/sun3 on a Sun-3/50. I put the disk on
> another Sun to partition it and install the binary snapshot; everything
> went fine. I stole /boot and the first-level boot block from a handy
> Sun running release 3.5 (ancient, I know, but it was handy).
> But when I try to boot....
> >b sd()netbsd -s
> Boot: sd(0,0,0)netbsd -s
> Load: sd(0,0,0)boot
> Boot: sd(0,0,0)netbsd
> Size: 583904Address Error, PC fetch at 000A5864
> >
I can't really help with the SunOS boot program. Maybe the kernel
needs to use a slightly different format or something...
Why don't you try the NetBSD/sun3 boot programs?
Is is just for lack of an installation method?
Could you put that disk on the other sun and compile the NetBSD/sun3
version of installboot to run on that machine?
I have been thinking about working on a boot tape.
Would that help?
There is always NFS boot if you have a server handy.