Subject: sun3_save_symtab: bad magic
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Boven <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/01/1995 11:34:01
Hi everybody,

I get the message "sun3_save_symtab: bad magic" immedeatly after booting
the current binary-snapshot kernel (21 aug). As I'm not very good at this
stuff with pentagrams, newts and spell-throwing, nor at hacking kernels,
I'll just pass this along.

Otherwise, the Sun is in a terrible mood today: It won't detect it's
keyboard, or looses it (or the mouse) after running a few minutes. Current
opinion is that this is NOT a kernel problem, because <stop>-A won't even
work when it's testing the memory after a coldboot. I'm going to swap
SCCs and see if that helps.

73, Paul.
 E=  /// Paul Boven <> pe1nut@pi8daz.#twe.nld
    /// A2000HD, AmiTCP_4.0b and GG-II+ ethernet   QRV 145.575 MHz JO32KF
\\\/// "She  looked  like  she'd  had  sex,  with  a  tyrranosaurus  rex"
 \XX/                    Canibal Surf Babe, Afraid of Sunlight, Marillion