Subject: yet more data
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/22/1995 00:01:20
I copied the "edlabel" from the base (pre-Sunday base.tar.gz)
that I had on the SunOS labelled disk to my NFS mounted area.
I then played with things:
# /sbin/edlabel /dev/rsd0c
edlabel menu:
print - display the current disk label
modify - prompt for changes to the label
write - write the new label to disk
quit - terminate program
edlabel> p
type_num: 4
sub_type: 0
type_name: SCSI disk
pack_name: Sun1.0G cyl 1703
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 80
tracks/cylinder: 15
cylinders: 1703
sectors/cylinder: 1200
partition a start cyl= 0, nblks= 600000 (500/0/0)
partition b start cyl= 500, nblks= 96000 (80/0/0)
partition c start cyl= 0, nblks= 2043600 (1703/0/0)
partition d start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
partition e start cyl= 580, nblks= 1347600 (1123/0/0)
partition f start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
partition g start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
partition h start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
edlabel> m
modify subcommands:
@ : modify disk parameters
a-h : modify partition
q : quit this subcommand
edlabel/modify> @
type_num: 4 ?
sub_type: 0 ?
type_name: SCSI disk ?
pack_name: Sun1.0G cyl 1703 ? CFP1060S
bytes/sector: 512 ?
sectors/track: 80 ? 94
tracks/cylinder: 15 ? 8
cylinders: 1703 ? 2756
sectors/cylinder: 1200 ?
edlabel/modify> a
partition a start cyl= 0, nblks= 600000 (797/6/92)
partition a start cyl: 0
length as <nblks> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 797/0/0
edlabel/modify> b
partition b start cyl= 500, nblks= 96000 (127/5/26)
partition b start cyl: 797
length as <nblks> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 127/0/0
edlabel/modify> c
partition c start cyl= 0, nblks= 2043600 (2717/4/40)
partition c start cyl: 0
length as <nblks> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 2756/0/0
edlabel/modify> e
partition e start cyl= 580, nblks= 1347600 (1792/0/16)
partition e start cyl: 924
length as <nblks> or <cyls/trks/sects> : 1832/0/0
edlabel/modify> q
edlabel> p
type_num: 4
sub_type: 0
type_name: SCSI disk
pack_name: CFP1060S
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 94
tracks/cylinder: 8
cylinders: 2756
sectors/cylinder: 1200
partition a start cyl= 0, nblks= 599344 (797/0/0)
partition b start cyl= 797, nblks= 95504 (127/0/0)
partition c start cyl= 0, nblks= 2072512 (2756/0/0)
partition d start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
partition e start cyl= 924, nblks= 1377664 (1832/0/0)
partition f start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
partition g start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
partition h start cyl= 0, nblks= 0 (0/0/0)
edlabel> ?
Invalid command. edlabel menu:
print - display the current disk label
modify - prompt for changes to the label
write - write the new label to disk
quit - terminate program
edlabel> w
ioctl DIOCWDINFO: Invalid argument