Subject: Re: More thoughts on netboot
To: None <>
From: Mauricio Tavares <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/07/1996 15:02:58
While shopping for shruberries, Gordon W. Ross pondered:
> > In my ongoing quest to install netbsd in the 3/50, I think I
> > stumbled into something quite interesting:
> [...]
> > Now, here is the question of the day: why does SunOS netboot
> > work and netbsd's does not?
> Probably some bug in the NetBSD/sun3 netboot implementation.
> The netboot program works on many machines, but may have a
> problem related to the PROM revision. (I'm guessing.)
> What PROM revision does your Sun3/50 say at power-on?
PROM revision 2.3
| Mauricio Tavares | "We will attack... |
| | ...under the cover of daylight!" Rimmer |