Subject: Re: One more disk question
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/09/1996 11:14:16
> After having had an enormous number of problems with the disk, some
> people told me that a Sun3 most probably would never be able to
> recognize a 2Gb disk, as it is too big for its interface to handle.
> Is this statement true?
No. Perhaps _your_ Sun3 will have trouble with _your_ disk (indeed, it
seems to be so), but the blanket statement is definitely false. I have
a Sun-3/150 with an si interface and a Seagate ST15230N, which is about
4Gb, and it works just fine. It can access the whole disk with no
apparent problems.
der Mouse