Subject: Sun 3 spare parts...
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/09/1996 13:14:54
I've got a few 3/80's that I can't coerce into working, specifically,
which cannot recognize SCSI devices.  I might be willing to donate or
sell parts.  I have a few keyboards, a few P4 mono framebuffers, atd
a couple of mice.  I also have a couple of partially dead motherboards.
I won't give the boards away until I've had a chance to boot them
diskless (they apparently handle ethernet just fine, I think) and
run sundiag, but everything else should be fine.

Was someone working on NetBSD-3/80?  Any need for beta testers?
