Subject: Re: seemingly dismal performance of NetBSD-1.1A/sun3 file I/O....
To: Gordon W. Ross <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/11/1996 12:28:13
[ On Thu, April 11, 1996 at 12:06:43 (EDT), Gordon W. Ross wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: seemingly dismal performance of NetBSD-1.1A/sun3 file I/O....
> I have to wonder wonder what these I/O tests are really measuring.
> Is it really sustained transfer rate of the disk?
Perhaps, but that's the bottom line, no? And if I get much lower
numbers from NetBSD running on the same hardware, then there's a
problem since NetBSD is obviously not able to push the hardware to the
same rates SunOS can?
In the real world I'm forced to stick with SunOS on my server and
personal workstation until these discrepancies can be eliminated. It's
either that or win the lottery and buy faster hardware. SunOS does me
fine in terms of performance right now though.