Subject: Re: general problem with 3/60's scsi
To: Geert Bosch <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/01/1996 20:08:42
Does anyone know where i could get one of these assembled?  .. Preferably 
used so i don't have to spend like $65 on it.
(see below for what i'm talking about)


On Wed, 1 May 1996, Geert Bosch wrote:

> >From your post it would seem that your SCSI cable might have the wrong
> pin-out or might be bad in other ways. You should *not* connect every
> numbered pin on the DB50 with the corresponding nr on the connector of
> the SCSI-disk!
> Below the correct pin-out for the cable is given. Please make sure
> your cable conforms, remove the extra terminator (you should re-install
> it when your problems have been solved) and make sure that if there's
> a switch on the drive to provide TERMPWR that it's turned *off*.
>         The pinout of the SCSI connector is:
>             1   GND         17  GND         34  GND
>             2   data bus 0  18  data parity 35  GND
>             3   GND         19  GND         36  busy
>             4   data bus 1  20  GND         37  GND
>             5   GND         21  GND         38  acknowledge
>             6   data bus 2  22  GND         39  GND
>             7   GND         23  GND         40  reset
>             8   data bus 3  24  GND         41  GND
>             9   GND         25  GND???      42  message
>             10  data bus 4  26  ???         43  GND
>             11  GND         27  GND         44  select
>             12  data bus 5  28  GND         45  GND
>             13  GND         29  GND         46  command/data
>             14  data bus 6  30  GND         47  GND
>             15  GND         31  GND         48  request
>             16  data bus 7  32  attention   49  GND
>                             33  GND         50  input/output
>         and the pattern of the pins as you look at the back of the Sun is:
>             49    46    43  ....  19    16    13    10    7    4    1
>                48    45    42  ....  18    15    12    9    6    3
>             50    47    44    41  ....  17    14    11    8    5    2
>         This pin-pattern is used because that makes it possible to 
>         use DB50 connectors that can directly be clamped on the 
>        flat cable.
>     	Note that pin 26 (TERMPWR) is connected to ground on part
>         numbers 501-1205-09 or lower, 501-1322-01, 501-1334-01, and
>         501-1345-01. This can cause a short if another device in the
>         chain is providing termination power!
> ---
> E-Mail: 
>  Phone: +31-53-4303054